Wanderers in the Fourth Dimension
Missing Pieces


A Doctor Who Charity Anthology



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Missing Pieces is now available at Outpost Gallifrey.


I have recently had the privilige of having a short story accepted for "Outpost Gallifrey's" Doctor Who charity anthology "Missing Pieces". The anthology showcased the work of both fans authors like myself and some of the best known names in Doctor Who fiction like Lance Parkin and Jonathan Blum. I was also very pleased to find out that three Doctor's and a companion were involved as well. Fifth Doctor Peter Davison wrote the forword, Sixth Doctor Colin Baker wrote a short story as did Wendy Padbury who portrayed Patrick Troughton's companion Zoe and Seventh Doctor Sylvester McCoy wrote the afterword. I think it's brilliant that the actors who worked in Doctor Who are still that deeply involved with every aspect of the show.

The proceeds for the anthology are going to The Downs Syndrome Association (Peter Davison's charity) and The Study for Infant Death (Colin Baker's charity). Both great causes.


"A perpetual game of chess with an old foe..."

The story I had written for the anthology was a Third Doctor/Master story titled "Old Scores". I had originally intended it to be a Future Doctor/Master story that would take place nearing the end of the Doctor's final regeneration. The Doctor would meet up with his old enemy in some distant and remote place (I had thought of some small wooden hut in the snowy mountain somewhere) to play a game of chess.


I had found out about the anthology on "Outpost Gallifrey's"
website. The rules of submission stated that the stories have to take place either during or after an adventure that had taken place in either one of the television stories or a story published in Virgin or BBC Books. And they also said no future incarnations, just the television Doctor's. Since Jon Pertwee was my favourite, I thought I would make it a Third Doctor story. I had chosen the timespan between "The Green Death" and "The Time Warrior" because it seemed most appropriate to me for a story like this to take place. Nothing to hold onto, nothing to hold him back sort of scenario.


I had the story in mind as being an epilogue to "The Green Death". Right after the Doctor hops into his yellow antique roadster "Bessie" and leaves Jo Grant's engagement party to the enviromentalist Professor Jones, he receives a transmission from The Master (apparently having survived what happened to him at the end of Mark Gatiss's Third Doctor novel "Last of the Gaderene") to meet him up at "Devil's End" to finish a game of chess they started back in their days at "Prydon Academy" on Gallifrey.


If you wish to purchase your own copy of "Missing Pieces", please click on the cover picture below. Lots of great Doctor Who fiction and two great causes to boot.
